Author Guidelines
The submitted text has never been published and is not in the process of evaluating other publications; it has received approval from the co-authors, if any, as parties who are equally responsible for the text. The issuer will not be responsible for claims or requests for compensation for matters relating to the text. The manuscript should be sent using an online system by registering first via link:
This journal contains a review of the results of research that has been published, associated with theory, evaluation of other research results and or policy provisions, aimed at policy makers as material for decision makers. The problem is discussed comprehensively and aims to provide information about mechanical technology and matters relating to the field of mechanical engineering.
The journal contains articles in Indonesian and good English (abstract). Use of the term follows the Guidance and Language Development.
The manuscripts are arranged in the following order: title, author's name and address, abstracts of Indonesian and English (200 words) and keywords (Indonesian and English), introduction, theory (if needed), methods/experiment, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment (if any), ending with reference. The manuscript consists of 10-15 pages and submitted as .doc or .docx file.
The title must be concise, factual and informative, which accurately reflects the content of the manuscript. The title cannot be more than 15 words.
The name of the author and the name of the institution where the author works along with the full address, telephone number, fax, and e-mail are listed under the title. If the author is more than one, the writing of his name follows the writing code of ethics. If necessary, the title of the script can be completed with a subtitle to emphasize the purpose of the writing.
Abstract is a summary of the most important elements of the text, written in one paragraph no more than 200 words. Abstracts must be able to describe concisely about the problem, the purpose of writing, and conclusions. Avoid abbreviations and references in abstracts.
At least three to five keywords consisting of one word or combination of words that show the main subjects in the text.
Contains background, problem formulation, objectives, and relevant library citation
Written articles based on contains scientific theories. Use references from current primary references (the last 5 years).
Contains the method used in conducting research. Also write down how to obtain the data needed, the characterization used and the stages of the research carried out.
The discussion refers to a review related to the results of research in the field of mechanical engineering, which has been published, associated with theory, evaluation of research results and or policy provisions, aimed at users including policy makers, practitioners, academics, extension workers, students and other general users. The discussion is written concisely, focusing on the interpretation of the results obtained, and is not a repetition of the results section. The discussion is carried out comprehensively and aims to provide information about the development of mechanical technology and those related to the field of mechanical engineering.
Brief descriptions in the form of whole sentences that answer the objectives and problems of the research, and are supplemented with suggestions (if needed) or implications.
Aimed at parties who have helped in completing activities or funding.
The unit of measurement in text and graphics uses a metric system, for example in units of micron, mm, cm, km, for length; cm3, liters for volume; and g, kg, tons for weight. The use of pikul, kuintal, and so on must be avoid.
The table should be given a brief but clear title with sufficient notes, including the source, in such a way that each table is able to explain the information presented independently. Each table is numbered in sequence and reviewed in the text.
Images/figures and graphics are made with lines thick enough to allow shrinkage in the printing process. All symbols and abbreviations in figures and graphics must be explained. As in the table, information on the chart must be sufficient to be presented independently. Images and graphics must be reviewed in the text. Black and white or color photos should be of good quality.
Each library listed on the REFERENCE must be quoted (cited) in the text, and so each quote (citation) must be included in the REFERENCE. Number of library citations of at least 12 pieces. Primary libraries of some authors are expected to be more than secondary libraries, and libraries from abroad are more than domestic libraries. The novelty of the library has been attempted for the last 5 years. The writing of libraries in the text uses a sequence system of reference appearances quoted in the text with the words [1], [2]. [3] etc. If there are more than two authors, the name (family) of the first author is followed by et al. But et al. may not be used in REFERENCES even though they can be used in text. All author names and editor names must be written in full in the REFERENCE. Unpublished REFERENCES to be avoided. Examples of REFERENCE formats:
Article of Journals:
[1] M. Stemm and R. H. Katz, Measuring and reducing energy consumption of network interfaces in hand-held devices, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E80-B, no. 8, 1997, pp. 1125-1131.
[2] F. Bennett, D. Clarke, J. B. Evans, A. Hopper, A. Jones and D. Leask, Piconet: Embedded mobile networking, IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, vol. 4, no. 5, 1997, pp. 8-15.
[3] M. R. Andrews, P. P. Mitra and R. deCarvalho, Tripling the capacity of wireless communication using electromagnetic polarization, Nature, vol. 409, 2001, pp. 316-318.
[4] S. M. Agarwall and A. Grover, Nucleotide Composition and Amino Acid Usage in AT-Rich Hyperthermophilic Species, The Open Bioinformatics Journal, Vol. 2, 2008, pp. 11-19.
[5] S. Verdu, Multi-user detection, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Edited Book:
[6] A. S. Prasad, Clinical and Biochemical Spectrum of Zinc Deficiency in Human Subjects, In: A. S. Prasad, Ed., Clinical, Biochemical and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1982, pp. 5-15.
[7] L. Clare, G. Pottie and J. Agre, Self-organizing distributed sensor networks, Proceedings SPIE Conference Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications, vol. 3713, Orlando, April 1999, pp. 229–237.
[8] W. Heinzelman, Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks, Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 2000.
[9] L. Honeycutt, Communication and Design Course, 1998. Website:, accessed March 3, 2018
Avoid abbreviations and references in abstracts.